Wednesday, April 2, 2008

First day of daycare

Alex did wonderful on his first day of daycare (much better than his parents). We arrived close to 8 AM and hung around with him until 9:30. He was really happy while we were there and after I fed him he went to sleep for a little while. His caretakers said he was up for most of the morning and wasn't fussy at all. He had two bottles and took them pretty well and then he slept for the entire afternoon until we came to pick him up.

We are lucky that Rob can go visit him at anytime. Yesterday he went down for lunch and took him outside to enjoy the sunshine. When we got him home he was very happy and was up for 3 1/2 hours before crashing for the night. We couldn't have asked for a smoother start to daycare. Hopefully the rest of the week will be just as successful.


Anonymous said...

That sharp pain you are feeling is from the pins your brother is sticking into his Jessica doll. Good job Alex.

Aaron said...

That's great Jess! I'm glad Alex is off to a good start.

Saba- so much for that corner room.