Sunday, April 6, 2008

Boring Weekend

This weekend was spent recovering from my first week at work and Alex at daycare. It was a little crazy with Rob and I switching off taking him and picking him up. Next week should run a little smoother since it is now Rob's job to take him and pick him up, which is a little sad for me but I will get two days off during the week to be with him. Alex did so great his first week but woke up Saturday morning with a cold. Poor kid has had a cold for the majority of his life. Due to this cold he slept through the night the entire weekend. It didn't dampen his spirits during the day which was very nice.

Last night Rob and I tried a new restaurant, Leena's Cafe, in Shoreline close to our home. Needless to say we were the youngest in the restaurant by about 40 years but we were so impressed by the service and everyone loved seeing the baby. Alex did great hanging out in his carseat checking out the world. We are so lucky that Alex is such a relaxed baby. When we had him I thought we would never go out to eat again, but he hasn't slowed us down one bit.

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