Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sorry for lack of posts

To our faithful readers, we apologize for the lack of posts and serious lack of recent pictures. It has just come to our attention that the thing that connects our camera to the computer is broken so sadly we cannot get any of the recent pictures we took out of our camera until I drag myself to the store (which is not high on my priority list because the sun is finally shining).

Alex is doing great. He is a growing boy and very giggly. He is sticking his little butt in the air and sometimes drags his face on the ground (a scary sign that crawling might not be that far off). He loves dad right now and he always makes him laugh.

Rob is off to New Orleans this weekend leaving Alex and me alone for 4 whole days. This will be the first time we have been alone for more than a day. I have lots of fun activities planned for us. When Rob returns I will get some updated pictures up for you (he is taking the camera with him).


Aaron said...

Your computer probably has a card reader. Pop the card out of the camera and into the slot and you're good to go. I lost the propietary cable for our camera a long time ago, and never bothered to replace it.

Stern Family said...

Cool, I will give that a try when Rob gets back. He took the camera to New Orleans so he could show me what I am missing.