Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Home sick

Alex has been sick since Saturday with a fever and hasn't been able to go to daycare all week. Luckily Rob and I have been able to work our schedules out where we each take a half day at home. I am thankful to say that Alex has been fever free for almost a day and things are looking better. Since he has been sick he has been sleeping a little more than usual (during the day, not so much at night). His favorite sleeping position is on his side. As soon as he is laid down he whips himself to his side and sometimes manages to get all the way to his stomach. It is very funny to watch because it often takes him many tries to get into the perfect position but once he is there he is blissfully happy.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Sorry to hear Alex is sick. Funny, Ezra likes sleeping on his side too. Unless he's in our bed, then he likes to take up as much space as possible.